May 9, 2023

Sales territory planning best practices in 2023

Nazar Begen
Growth Director

Sales territory planning is a vital process that enables sales teams to define their market, identify potential customers, and allocate resources effectively. Effective sales territory planning is essential for any organization looking to increase their sales revenue, enhance customer satisfaction, and gain a competitive advantage. In this article, we will explore the best practices for sales territory planning to help sales teams optimize their resources, increase productivity, and achieve their sales targets. We will discuss the key steps involved in sales territory planning, including defining your market, identifying potential customers, analyzing sales data, and creating a sales territory plan. We will also highlight the critical factors to consider when creating a sales territory plan, such as market segmentation, customer profiling, and competitor analysis. By following these best practices, sales teams can develop an effective sales territory plan that will enable them to target the right customers, maximize their sales potential, and achieve their sales objectives.

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction
2. Why is sales territory planning important?
3. Key steps in sales territory planning
4. Defining your market
5. Identifying potential customers
6. Analyzing sales data
7. Creating a sales territory plan
8. Factors to consider when creating a sales territory plan
9. Market segmentation
10. Customer profiling
11. Competitor analysis
12. Conclusion

Chapter 1: Introduction

Sales territory planning is an essential process for any sales team looking to achieve their sales targets and maximize their revenue. It involves defining your market, identifying potential customers, and allocating your resources effectively to ensure that your sales efforts are focused on the right opportunities. A well-planned sales territory can help you increase productivity, optimize your resources, and improve customer satisfaction.

In today's highly competitive business environment, sales teams must be strategic in their approach to sales territory planning. By using data-driven insights and adopting best practices, sales teams can create effective sales territory plans that deliver results. This article will outline the key best practices for sales territory planning and provide practical guidance on how to create an effective sales territory plan.

Whether you are a small business or a large corporation, the principles of effective sales territory planning are the same. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your sales team is targeting the right customers, maximizing their sales potential, and achieving their sales objectives. So, let's dive in and explore the critical elements of sales territory planning.

Chapter 2: Why is sales territory planning important?

Sales territory planning is crucial for any organization looking to maximize their sales potential and increase their revenue. A well-planned sales territory can help sales teams focus their efforts on the most promising opportunities and improve their productivity.

Effective sales territory planning can also help organizations to optimize their resources and reduce costs by avoiding duplication of effort and ensuring that sales teams are not wasting their time on unproductive activities. By analyzing sales data and customer insights, sales teams can identify new opportunities and tailor their approach to meet the specific needs of their customers.

Moreover, sales territory planning can help organizations to improve customer satisfaction by ensuring that their sales teams are providing personalized service to each customer. By understanding their customers' needs and preferences, sales teams can offer tailored solutions that meet their customers' specific needs and requirements.

Finally, sales territory planning can help organizations gain a competitive advantage by enabling them to identify and capitalize on emerging market trends and new opportunities. By staying ahead of the curve, organizations can stay competitive and increase their market share.

In summary, sales territory planning is essential for any organization looking to improve their sales performance, optimize their resources, and gain a competitive advantage in today's fast-paced business environment.

Chapter 3: Key steps in sales territory planning

Effective sales territory planning involves several key steps that must be followed to ensure success. These steps include:

1. Defining your market: The first step in sales territory planning is to define your market. This involves identifying the geographic areas, industries, and customer segments that you want to target.

2. Identifying potential customers: Once you have defined your market, the next step is to identify potential customers within that market. This involves analyzing data to identify companies that meet your target criteria and have the potential to become your customers.

3. Analyzing sales data: Sales data analysis is a crucial step in sales territory planning. By analyzing sales data, you can identify trends, patterns, and insights that can help you refine your sales strategy and focus your efforts on the most promising opportunities.

4. Creating a sales territory plan: Once you have completed the previous steps, the next step is to create a sales territory plan. This involves allocating resources, defining sales targets, and setting goals for each sales territory.

5. Monitoring and adjusting your plan: Finally, it is essential to monitor your sales territory plan regularly and make adjustments as needed. By tracking your progress and making changes as required, you can ensure that your sales team is always focused on the most promising opportunities and maximizing their sales potential.

By following these key steps, organizations can develop an effective sales territory plan that delivers results and enables them to achieve their sales objectives.

Chapter 4: Defining your market

Defining your market is the first step in effective sales territory planning. This involves identifying the geographic areas, industries, and customer segments that you want to target. Defining your market helps you to focus your sales efforts on the most promising opportunities and optimize your resources.

To define your market, start by analyzing your existing customer base. Look at their demographics, industries, and geographic locations to identify patterns and trends. This can help you identify potential new customer segments that you may not have considered before.

Next, research your industry to identify emerging trends, new markets, and potential competitors. This can help you identify new opportunities and stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly changing business environment.

Finally, analyze your own capabilities and resources to determine which markets you are best equipped to serve. This includes considering factors such as language, culture, and expertise.

By defining your market, you can create a more targeted and effective sales strategy that maximizes your sales potential and enables you to achieve your sales objectives. This is the first step in creating an effective sales territory plan that delivers results.

Chapter 5: Identifying potential customers

Once you have defined your market, the next step in effective sales territory planning is to identify potential customers within that market. This involves analyzing data to identify companies that meet your target criteria and have the potential to become your customers.

To identify potential customers, start by analyzing data on industry trends, market size, and customer demographics. This can help you identify companies that are likely to be interested in your products or services.

Next, research individual companies to understand their specific needs and pain points. This can help you tailor your sales approach to meet their specific requirements and improve your chances of success.

Finally, consider leveraging social media and online tools to identify potential customers and engage with them. This can help you build relationships and establish yourself as a trusted partner in their business.

By identifying potential customers, you can create a more targeted and effective sales strategy that maximizes your sales potential and enables you to achieve your sales objectives. This is an essential step in creating an effective sales territory plan that delivers results.

Chapter 6: Analyzing sales data

Analyzing sales data is a crucial step in effective sales territory planning. By analyzing data, you can identify trends, patterns, and insights that can help you refine your sales strategy and focus your efforts on the most promising opportunities.

To analyze sales data, start by gathering data on your existing customers, including their demographics, purchasing habits, and preferences. This can help you identify patterns and trends in their behavior and identify areas where you can improve your sales strategy.

Next, analyze data on your sales performance, including revenue, growth, and customer acquisition rates. This can help you identify areas where you need to improve your sales strategy and set realistic sales targets for your sales team.

Finally, consider using predictive analytics to identify potential sales opportunities and forecast sales trends. This can help you stay ahead of the curve and focus your sales efforts on the most promising opportunities.

By analyzing sales data, you can create a more data-driven and effective sales strategy that maximizes your sales potential and enables you to achieve your sales objectives. This is an essential step in creating an effective sales territory plan that delivers results.

Chapter 7: Creating a sales territory plan

Creating a sales territory plan is the next step in effective sales territory planning. This involves allocating resources, defining sales targets, and setting goals for each sales territory.

To create a sales territory plan, start by defining the sales territories based on your market and potential customer segments. Consider factors such as geographic location, language, and culture when defining sales territories.

Next, allocate resources based on the sales potential of each territory. This includes determining the number of sales representatives needed, the budget required, and the marketing strategies that will be used to promote products and services.

Finally, define sales targets and set goals for each sales territory. This includes setting revenue targets, customer acquisition targets, and sales performance metrics that will be used to measure success.

By creating a sales territory plan, you can ensure that your sales team is targeting the right customers, maximizing their sales potential, and achieving their sales objectives. This is an essential step in creating an effective sales territory plan that delivers results.

Chapter 8: Factors to consider when creating a sales territory plan

When creating a sales territory plan, there are several critical factors to consider. These include:

1. Market segmentation: Market segmentation involves dividing the market into smaller groups based on common needs and characteristics. This can help you create more targeted sales strategies and improve your chances of success.

2. Customer profiling: Customer profiling involves analyzing data on your customers to identify their needs, preferences, and pain points. This can help you tailor your sales approach to meet their specific requirements and improve your chances of success.

3. Competitor analysis: Competitor analysis involves analyzing data on your competitors to identify their strengths and weaknesses. This can help you identify areas where you can differentiate yourself and gain a competitive advantage.

4. Sales team alignment: Sales team alignment involves ensuring that your sales team is properly aligned with your sales territory plan. This includes ensuring that your sales team has the skills and resources needed to achieve their sales objectives and that they are motivated and engaged.

By considering these factors when creating a sales territory plan, you can create a more effective and targeted sales strategy that maximizes your sales potential and enables you to achieve your sales objectives.

Chapter 9: Market segmentation

Market segmentation is a crucial factor to consider when creating a sales territory plan. It involves dividing the market into smaller groups based on common needs and characteristics. By segmenting the market, you can create more targeted sales strategies and improve your chances of success.

To segment the market, start by analyzing data on your existing customers and identifying patterns and trends in their behavior. This can help you identify customer segments with similar needs and preferences.

Next, consider analyzing data on your potential customers to identify new customer segments that you may not have considered before. This can help you expand your market and improve your chances of success.

Finally, consider tailoring your sales approach to meet the specific needs of each customer segment. This may include offering different products or services, using different marketing strategies, or providing tailored solutions that meet their unique requirements.

By segmenting the market, you can create a more effective and targeted sales strategy that maximizes your sales potential and enables you to achieve your sales objectives. This is an essential step in creating an effective sales territory plan that delivers results.

Chapter 10: Customer profiling

Customer profiling is another critical factor to consider when creating a sales territory plan. It involves analyzing data on your customers to identify their needs, preferences, and pain points. By profiling your customers, you can tailor your sales approach to meet their specific requirements and improve your chances of success.

To profile your customers, start by analyzing data on their demographics, such as age, gender, and income. Next, consider their purchasing behavior, such as the products or services they buy, how often they buy them, and the factors that influence their purchasing decisions.

Additionally, consider analyzing their interactions with your company, such as their customer service interactions and feedback. This can help you understand their level of satisfaction with your products or services and identify areas for improvement.

By profiling your customers, you can create a more personalized and effective sales strategy that meets their unique needs and improves your chances of success. This is an essential step in creating an effective sales territory plan that delivers results.

Chapter 11: Competitor analysis

Competitor analysis is a critical factor to consider when creating a sales territory plan. It involves analyzing data on your competitors to identify their strengths and weaknesses. By understanding your competitors, you can identify areas where you can differentiate yourself and gain a competitive advantage.

To conduct a competitor analysis, start by identifying your main competitors and analyzing their products or services, pricing, and marketing strategies. This can help you identify areas where you can differentiate yourself and create a more compelling value proposition.

Next, consider their strengths and weaknesses. This may include analyzing their market share, customer satisfaction levels, and overall reputation.

Finally, consider their strategies for attracting and retaining customers. This may include analyzing their sales techniques, customer service approach, and overall customer experience.

By conducting a competitor analysis, you can create a more targeted and effective sales strategy that takes into account your competitors' strengths and weaknesses. This is an essential step in creating an effective sales territory plan that delivers results.


Effective sales territory planning is essential for any organization looking to increase their sales revenue, enhance customer satisfaction, and gain a competitive advantage. By following the best practices for sales territory planning outlined in this article, sales teams can optimize their resources, increase productivity, and achieve their sales targets.

The key steps in sales territory planning include defining your market, identifying potential customers, analyzing sales data, creating a sales territory plan, and monitoring and adjusting your plan as needed. Additionally, several critical factors must be considered, such as market segmentation, customer profiling, and competitor analysis.

By considering these factors when creating a sales territory plan, organizations can develop an effective sales strategy that targets the right customers, maximizes their sales potential, and achieves their sales objectives.

In summary, effective sales territory planning is an ongoing process that requires careful analysis and consideration. By adopting the best practices outlined in this article, organizations can create an effective sales territory plan that delivers results and helps them stay ahead of the competition.

Additional Tips for Sales Territory Planning

In addition to the best practices outlined in this article, there are several additional tips that can help improve your sales territory planning:

1. Use technology: There are several software tools and platforms available that can help streamline the sales territory planning process. These tools can help you analyze data, create sales territory maps, and monitor your sales performance.

2. Collaborate with your sales team: Your sales team can provide valuable insights into customer needs and preferences, as well as their sales experience in different territories. Collaborating with your sales team can help you create a more effective and targeted sales strategy.

3. Focus on customer experience: In addition to selling products or services, focus on creating a positive customer experience. This can help build customer loyalty and improve your chances of repeat business.

4. Regularly review and update your sales territory plan: Regularly reviewing and updating your sales territory plan can help you stay ahead of the competition and adapt to changing market conditions.

By following these additional tips, organizations can create a more effective and efficient sales territory planning process that delivers results and helps them achieve their sales objectives.

Final Thoughts

Sales territory planning is a critical process that can help organizations improve their sales performance, optimize their resources, and gain a competitive advantage. By following the best practices outlined in this article, organizations can create an effective sales territory plan that targets the right customers, maximizes their sales potential, and achieves their sales objectives.

The key to effective sales territory planning is to remain flexible and adaptable. Sales territories and customer needs are constantly changing, and organizations must be prepared to adjust their strategies accordingly. By regularly reviewing and updating their sales territory plan, organizations can stay ahead of the competition and adapt to changing market conditions.

Ultimately, sales territory planning is an ongoing process that requires a commitment to excellence and a willingness to embrace change. By adopting the best practices outlined in this article and remaining open to new ideas and strategies, organizations can create a sales territory plan that delivers results and helps them achieve their sales goals.

Resources for Sales Territory Planning

There are several resources available that can help organizations improve their sales territory planning process. Here are some of the most valuable resources:

1. Sales Territory Mapping Software: Sales territory mapping software can help organizations create custom maps that visualize sales territories and customer locations. This can help sales teams identify new opportunities, optimize their routes, and improve their sales performance.

2. Sales Analytics Tools: Sales analytics tools can help organizations analyze sales data, identify trends and patterns, and gain insights that can improve their sales performance.

3. Sales Training Programs: Sales training programs can help organizations improve the skills and knowledge of their sales team, ensuring that they are equipped to handle the challenges of sales territory planning.

4. Sales Coaching Services: Sales coaching services can help sales teams optimize their performance by providing personalized coaching and guidance on sales strategy and technique.

5. Sales Consulting Services: Sales consulting services can provide organizations with expert advice and guidance on sales territory planning, helping them develop effective strategies and achieve their sales objectives.

By leveraging these resources, organizations can improve their sales territory planning process and achieve their sales goals more effectively.